

You ve got a home-based business. Or you work remotely for an employer. Either way, you plan to make working from home work. From choosing the right desk and storage setup, to avoiding common telecommuting pitfalls, here are some helpful ideas—including productivity tips from experts.
Succeed with the right workstation.

Are you bogged down with paper…or are you a minimalist, perfectly comfortable with e-files and Cloud based backups? Is it mostly computer work, or are you up to your neck with bulky books and piles of files? Before you buy…consider your needs carefully.

For the Computer Savvy: Choose a desk designed for computer use. Look for built-in cutouts to organize electrical cords. Prefer a separate keyword for your laptop? Drop-front drawers are designed just for that. If you reference materials, a desk with a prop-up feature for books or tablets is so handy.

For the Paper Pusher: You need serious desk surface space. To keep the paper from getting totally out of hand, having overhead storage, undermount filing drawers and maybe separate storage cabinets/bookcases is essential.

For the Neatnik: You’re just one of those organized people. A modest-sized desk that’s clean lined and simple—such as the classic Parsons desk—might fit the bill perfectly.

For the Multitasker: You do it all…paper juggling, computer work, printing, scanning, faxing and maybe even meeting clients. A large L-shaped desk offers a separate meeting place for face-to-face time. With their pullout trays for printers, built-in power strips and ample storage…the latest credenzas are custom made for multitaskers.

Set yourself up for productivity.
Working from home is a relief from stressful commutes, gouging gas prices and office antics. That doesn’t mean there aren’t potential downsides. Surrounded by the comforts—and distractions—of home, some telecommuters have productivity problems.
Five work-from-home tips from productivity experts:

Make—and stick to—a daily-do list. The boss isn’t going to be dropping in to ask, “How’s that project going?” It’s up to you to manage your time. By having a daily to-do list and sticking to it, you won’t be caught off guard.

Please, get dressed. Sure, no one will know the better if you’re on a conference call in your PJs or raggedy sweatpants, but you’re still at work. Freshly showered and dressed, you’ll feel like the professional you are.

Reduce distractions. Whatever you do, don’t have a TV in your home office. It’s a surefire distraction. Got kids? They might not get that Mommy or Daddy is working behind that closed door. One work-from-home expert offers a red light-green light-yellow light system that calls for colored paper markers on your door to send a clear message.

Don’t lose touch. Conference calls and video chats are fine, but there’s no substitute for real interaction. Be it once a week or once a month, be in the office to collaborate or simply catch up with coworkers.

Step back for focus. You’ve been staring at that computer screen with little to show for it. Maybe you need to step away to get the creative juices flowing. A walk around the block, a breath of fresh air can get your train of thought back on track.

If you’ve discovered work-from-home tips that work, let us know!

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